Publications & Broadcasting

Academic Publications 

(* Corresponding/ + Joint-first)

For article links and citation scores see my Google Scholar profile. 

Accepted & Forthcoming

Velmet, Aro and Kirchhelle, Claas (eds.), Standards and their containers. Microbes, Surveillance, and Global Disease Control, Special Issue ESTS.



Alas Portillo, Mirza; Paterson, Erin; Wells, Nadya; Vagneron,

Frédéric; Kirchhelle, Claas, Emerging Financial Models for

Antibiotic Development (2000-2016). DryAP and Geneva Graduate

Institute Witness Seminar (Strasbourg: UnivOak, 2024),

Alas Portillo, Mirza, Isabel M Gómez Rodríguez, Christoph Gradmann, Claas Kirchhelle, Jørgen J. Leisner, Laura D. Martinenghi, Erin L. Paterson, Maria Jesús Santesmases, Belma Skender, and Frédéric Vagneron, ‘Paradoxes of the antibiotic pipeline’, Nature Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (2024),

Collier, Carly & Kirchhelle, Claas. Fear & Fever. 14 Days of typhoid in Edwardian Dublin [Graphic Novel] (Dublin: Dublin City Council, 2024), 

Brives, Charlotte & Kirchhelle, Claas*, ‘Variable Viruses: Introduction to a special issue on the past, present, and future of bacteriophage research and use’, Phage: Therapy, Applications, Research Vol. 5 No. 1 (March 2024), 1-3,

Turner, Paul E., Joana Azeredo, Ed T. Buurman, Sabrina Green, Jakob Krause Haaber, Douglas Haagstrom, Koichi Kameda, Claas Kirchhelle, Mercedes Gonzalez Moreno, Jean-Paul Pirnay, Mirza Alas Portillo, ‘Addressing the Research and Development Gaps in Modern Phage Therapy’, Phage: Therapy, Applications, Research Vol. 5 No. 1 (March 2024), 30-39,

Resch, Grégory; Charlotte Brives, Laurent Debarbieux, Francesca E Hodges, Claas Kirchhelle, Frédéric Laurent, Sylvain Moineau, Anna Filipa Moreira Martins, Christine Rohde, ‘Between Centralisation and Fragmentation – the past, present, and future of phage collections’, Phage: Therapy, Applications, Research Vol. 5 No. 1 (March 2024), 22-29,

Kirchhelle, Claas*, Miriam Lipton, Tristan Nolan, Wim Meijers, Senjuti Saha, Neeraja Sankaran, ‘Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle – Bacteriophages and Microbial Surveillance (1921-2023)’, Phage: Therapy, Applications, Research Vol. 5 No. 1 (March 2024), 14-21,

Kirchhelle, Claas & Brives, Charlotte (eds.), “Variable Viruses: The Past, Present and Future of Bacteriophage Research”, Phage: Therapy, Applications, Research Vol. 5 No. 1 (March) 2024,


Webster, Emily; Palanco Lopez, Paula, Kirchhelle, Claas*, 'Shifting targets: typhoid's transformation from an environmental to a vaccine-preventable disease, 1940–2019', Lancet Infectious Diseases (2023), 

Kirchhelle, Claas*. The Antibiocene – towards an eco-social analysis of humanity’s antimicrobial footprint. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10, 619 (2023).  

Glover, Rebecca E.; Singer, Andrew; Roberts, Adam; Kirchhelle, Claas, ‘Dressed for success? Why is the UK Antibiotic subscription model pilot being described as ‘successful’, Lancet Microbe (22.08.2023),

Fairgrieve, Duncan, Marco Rizzi, Claas Kirchhelle, Sam Halabi, Geraint Howells, and Normann Witzleb. "No-Fault Compensation Schemes for COVID-19 Vaccines: Best Practice Hallmarks." Public Health Reviews (2023): 7,

Gradmann, Christoph and Kirchhelle, Claas, ‘Pills and Politics – a historical analysis of international antibiotic regulation since 1945’, in Rubin, Oliver, Boekkeskov, Eric and Munkholm, Louise (eds.), Steering Superbugs. The Global Governance of Antimicrobials (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023), 

Fairgrieve, Duncan; Borghetti; Jean-Sébastien; Dahan, Samuel; Goldberg, Richard; Halabi, Sa; Holm, Søren; Howells, Geraint; Kirchhelle, Claas; Pillay, Avinashl Rajneri, Eleonora; Rizzi, Marco; Sintes, Martin; Vanderslott, Samantha; Witzleb, Normann, “No-Fault Compensation Systems for Vaccine Injury”, Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law 31/1 (2023), 

Kirchhelle, C.*, & Podolsky, S. An Awkward Fit: Antimicrobial Resistance and the Evolution of International Health Politics (1945-2022). Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 50 (S2) (2023), 40-46. https://doi:10.1017/jme.2022.78  


Velmet, Aro and Kirchhelle, Claas, "Standards and their containers – introduction to the thematic issue on histories of microbial infrastructures", SocARXiv (under review ESTS),

Kirchhelle, Claas* & Kirchhelle, Charlotte, "Northern Normal – Laboratory Networks, Microbial Culture Collections, and Taxonomies of Power (1939-2000)", SocARXiv (under review ESTS),

Thornber, Kelly*; Adshead, Fiona; Balayannis, Angeliki; Brazier, Richard; Brown, Ross; Comber, Sean; Court, Caroline; Davidson, Iain; Depledge, Michael; Farmer, Caroline; Gibb, Stuart; Hixson, Richard; Kirchhelle, Claas; Moore, Keith; Motta, Marco; Niemi, Lydia; Owen, Steward; Pencheon, David; Pfleger, Sharon; Pitchforth, Emma; Powell, Nei; Schmidt, Wiebke; Smith, Richard; Sowman, Georgina; Tyler-Batt, Wendy; Wilkinson, Helen; Wilson, Edward C.F.; Fleming, Lora; Gaze, William, “First, do no harm: time for a systems approach to address the problem of healthcare-derived pharmaceutical pollution”, Lancet Planetary Health 6/12(2022),

Palanco Lopez, P., Manyau, S., Dixon, J., MacPherson, E., Nayiga, S., Manton, J., Kirchhelle, C., & Chandler, C. (2022). Antibiotic Arrivals in Africa: A Case Study of Yaws and Syphilis in Malawi, Zimbabwe and Uganda. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 9(3), 1-31.

Glover, Rebecca; Singer, Andrew; Roberts, Adam; Kirchhelle, Claas, “The antibiotic subscription model: fostering innovation or repackaging old drugs?”, Lancet Microbe (2022),

Thornber, Kelly, and Kirchhelle, Claas, "Hardwiring antimicrobial resistance mitigation into global policy." JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance 4, no. 4 (2022): dlac083,

Kirchhelle, Claas and Roberts, Adam, “Embracing the monsters: moving from ‘infection control’ to ‘microbial health’”, Lancet Microbe (2022)

Saldanha, Saskshi+, Kirchhelle, Claas, Webster, Emily; Vanderslott, Samantha; Vaz, Manjulika, ‘Unseen and Unheard; the historical and contemporary vulnerability of Indian manual scavengers’, BMJ Global Health (2022):e008733. 

Kirchhelle, Claas, Typhoid – The Past, Present, and Future of an Ancient Disease (London: Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers, 2022).

Kirchhelle, Claas, ‘Giants on Clay Feet – public health laboratory services in Britain, Germany, and the US between 1945 and 2020’, Social History of Medicine (2022), 

Ryan, Hannah; Flammer, Patrik G.; Nicholson, Rebecca; Loe, Louise; Reeves, Ben; Allison, Enid; Guy, Christopher; Doriga, Inés Lopez; Waldron, Tony; Walker, Don; Kirchhelle, Claas; Larson, Greger; Smith, Adrian L., ‘Reconstructing the history of helminth prevalence in the UK’, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases April (2022),

Weldon, Isaac; Van Katwyk, Susan Rogers; Burci, Gian Luca; Campos Thana C de; Eccleston-Turner, Mark; Fryer, Helen R.; Giubilini, Alberto; Hale, Thomas; Harrison, Mark; Johnson, Stephanie; Kirchhelle, Claas; Lee, Kelley; Liddell, Kathleen; Mendelsohn, Marc; Ooms, Gorik; Orbinski, James; Piddock, Laura J.V.; Røttingen, John-Arne; Savulescu, Julian; Singer, Andrew C.; Viens, A.M.; Wenham, Clare; Wiktorowicz, Mary E.; Zaidi, Shehla; Hoffman, Steven J., ‘Lessons for Antimicrobial Resistance from the Paris Climate Agreement’, American Journal of Public Health 112 April (2022), 553-557,

Glover, Rebecca; Singer, Andrew; Roberts, Adam; Kirchhelle, Claas, ‘2020 giveth, 2021 taketh away: the harmful consequences of the UK government’s decision to sell off its cutting-edge vaccine preparedness program only months after completing it’, BMJ 376 (2022), e069999, https://doi:10.1136/bmj-2022-069999


Overton, Kristen; Broom, Alex; Fortané, Nicolas; Raymond, Stephanie; Gradmann, Christoph; Ebiowei, Sameul F. Orubu; Podolsky, Scott H.; Van Katywk, Susan Rogers; Zaman, Muhammad H.; Kirchhelle, Claas*, ‘Waves of Attention: patterns and themes of international AMR reports (1945-2020)’, BMJ Global Health, 6: e006909 (2021), https://doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2021-006909

Glover, Rebecca; Singer, Andrew; Roberts, Adam; Kirchhelle, Claas*, ‘NIMble innovation - a networked institute model for public antibiotic development and trials’, Lancet Microbe 2/11 (2021),

Todd, Matthew H.; Idiris, Fahima; Klug, Dana M.; Dowson, Christopher G; Delft, Frank von; Roberts, Adam P.; Kirchhelle, Claas; Singer, Andrew C.; Blaskovich, Mark A.T., ‘Open up Antibiotic Development’, Wellcome Open Science (2021),  

Fairgrieve, Duncan, Holm, Søren; Howells, Geraint; Kirchhelle, Claas; Vanderslott, Samantha, ‘In favour of a bespoke COVID-19 vaccines compensation scheme’, Lancet Infectious Diseases (2021),

Kirchhelle, Claas & Vanderslott, Samantha, ‘The need for harmonised international guidelines ahead of COVID-19 human infection studies’, Public Health Reviews 42 (2021),  

Kirchhelle, Claas, ‘Between Bacteriology and Toxicology: Agricultural Antibiotics and US Risk Regulation (1949-1985)’, in Creager, Angela and Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (eds.), Risk on the Table: Food, Health, and Environmental Exposure (New York: Berghahn, 2021), 214-242,

Kirchhelle, Claas, Ruth Harrison and the History of British Animal Welfare Science and Activism (1920-2000) (London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2021).


Kirchhelle, Claas; Atkinson, Paul; Broom, Alex; Chuengsatiansup, Komatra; Ferreira, Jorge Pinto; Fortané, Nicolas; Frost, Isabel; Gradmann, Christoph; Hoffman, Stephen; van Katwyk, Susan Rogers; Lezaun, Javier; Nayiga, Susan; Outterson, Kevin; Podolsky, Scott H.; Raymond, Stephanie; Roberts, Adam P.; So, Anthony; Taylor, Liz; Singer, Andrew C.; Sringernyuang, Luechai, Chandler, Clare, 'SETting the Standard – multidisciplinary hallmarks for Structural, Equitable, and Tracked antibiotic policy', BMJ Global Health (2020); 5:e003091; http://doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-003091

Kirchhelle, Claas* and Gordon Dougan, ‘Make it new: reformism and British public health’, Lancet Microbe (03.09.2020),

Hoffman, Steven; Savulescu, Julian; Giublini, Alberto; Kirchhelle, Claas; Van Katwyk, Susan Rogers; Weldon, Isaac; Campus, Brooke; Harrison, Mark; Maslen, Hannah; McLean, Angela: 'Achieving a Grand Bargain on the Global Antimicrobial Commons: Introduction to the Policy Dialogue: introduction to a special issue', Health Care Analysis (Mar 2020)  

Van Katwyk, Susan Rogers; Weldon, Isaac; Giublini, Alberto; Kirchhelle, Claas; Harrison, Mark; Mclean, Angela; Savulescu, Julian; Hoffman, Steven, 'Making Use of Existing International Legal Mechanisms to Manage the Global Antimicrobial Commons: Identifying Legal Hooks and Institutional Mandates', Health Care Analysis (Mar 2020),

Van Katwyk, Susan Rogers; Giublini, Alberto; Kirchhelle, Claas; Weldon, Isaac; Harrison, Mark; McLean, Angela; Savulescu, Julian; Hoffman, Steven, 'Exploring Models for an International Legal Agreement on the Global Antimicrobial Commons: Lessons from Climate Agreements', Health Care Analysis (Jan 2020),

Greenhough, Beth; Jervis Read, Cressida; Lezaun, Javier; Lorimer, Jamie; McLeod, Carmen, Benezra, Amber; Bloomfield, Sally; Brown, Tim; Clinch, Megan; D'Acquisto, Fulvio; Dumitriu, Anna; Evans, Joshua; Fawcett, Nicola; Fortané, Nicolas, Hall, Lindsay J. Hall; Herrera, César E.; Hodgetts, Timothy; Johnson, Katerina Vicky Ann; Kirchhelle, Claas; Krzywoszynska, Anna; Lambert, Helen; Monaghan, Tanya; Nading, Alex; Nerlich, Brigitte; Singer, Andrew C.; Szymanski, Erika; Wills, Jane, ‘Setting the Agenda for social science research in the human microbiome’, Palgrave Communications (Feb 2020),

Singer, Andrew; Kirchhelle, Claas; Roberts, Adam P, '(Inter)nationalising the antibiotic pipeline', Lancet Infectious Diseases (2020),

Kirchhelle, Claas, Pyrrhic Progress – Antibiotics in Anglo-American Food Production (1949-2013) (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2020) [Winner 2021 BSAH Thirsk Prize; 2020 Turriano ICOHTEC Prize; Long-listed 2020: Michel Déon Prize; highly commended 2020 PHE Antibiotic Guardian Research Award],

Journalism & Broadcasting


Featured: Lifeline Musical Podcast: The Drugs Are In The Water [AMR and One Health] (22.08.2024),

Kirchhelle on the SETI Institute's Big Picture Science: "Not just a phage: avoiding a post-antibiotic world" (12.08.2024), 

Kirchhelle featured in: "Covid Inquiry report exposes 'fatal strategic flaws' that meant pandemic cost more UK lives", The Standard (London) (18.07.2024), 

Kirchhelle featured in: "First Covid inquiry report to set out ‘appalling failures’ during pandemic", Guardian (14.07.2024), 

Kirchhelle on BBC Radio 4's In Our Time: Bacteriophages (04.07.2024), 


Kirchhelle Interviewed : “The Antibiotic Crisis Has a Troubling Twist”, Wired (07.02.2023) 


Kirchhelle Interviewed: ‘Ces virus qui remplacent les antibiotiques’ 

Les Echos Week-End (17.11.2022),

Kirchhelle interviewed alongside Dr Rebecca Glover: "UK's 'baffling' sale of Covid vaccine facility"

Sunday National (29.03.2022), 

Article: “Threats of Bioterrorism in Ukraine Are Part of a Long History” 

Authors: Elaine Joy and Claas Kirchhelle

Wired (11.03.2022),

Kirchhelle Interviewed: ‘Patient safety and the right of the sick to reject care from  unvaccinated staff’, Independent (31.01.2022),


Article: 'Coordinated clinical trials were key to the COVID vaccine triumph – the same must happen with antibiotics'

The Conversation (28.06.2021)

Authors: Claas Kirchhelle, Rebecca Glover, Adam Roberts, Andrew Singer [also published in The Scotsman, Yahoo News, New Indian Express, The Week]

Letter to the Editor: COVID Compensation

Independent (07.05.2021)

Authors: Duncan Fairgrieves, Geraint Howard, Claas Kirchhelle, Samantha Vanderslott, Søren Holm

Interviewed: ‘People who suffer rare reactions after vaccines ‘left in the dark’ 

without any support, warn families’

Independent (07.05.2021)

Kirchhelle Interviewed: ‘In defence of the AstraZeneca vaccine – and what comes next’         

Independent (15.04.2021)

Kirchhelle Interviewed: ‘Misconceptions over AstraZeneca jab safety could drive global vaccine divisions, expert warn’

Independent (11.04.2021)

Kirchhelle Interviewed: ‘We have to remember, learn and prepare’: Is the UK ready for the next pandemic’

Independent (23.03.2021)

Interviewed on “Body Politics” podcast (25.03.2021)                                                     


Letter to the Editor: Vaccine approval and safety measures                                              

Authors: Duncan Fairgrieves, Søren Holm, Geraint Howells, Claas Kirchhelle, Samantha Vanderslott

The Times (07.12.2020)

Kirchhelle Interviewed: 'Cholera'

Futuremakers Podcast: The History of Pandemics (Univ. Oxford)

Kirchhelle Interviewed: ‘Laying the Foundations – Disease and the Emergence of Public Health’,

Green European Journal (30.11.2020)

Kirchhelle Adviser: ‘The risky way to speed up a coronavirus vaccine’;                documentary on Human Challenge Trials;

Kirchhelle Interviewed on BBC Radio Oxford Breakfast Club                                    

History and pandemics (15.10.2020)

Blog: Page 99 Test – Pyrrhic Progress (Campaign for the American Reader)

Article: ‘Challenging Circumstances: we need international guidelines for human infection studies’ 

Authors: Claas Kirchhelle & Samantha Vanderslott

Medium (11.06.2020)

Kirchhelle featured as expert on ‘Coronavirus: Explained – Race for a Vaccine’,                                                   

Netflix/Vox three-part series on COVID-19

Kirchhelle Interviewed: ‘COVID-19’, the aftermath: insights from history                                     

Oxford Science Blog (22.05.2020)

Article: Antibiotic Resistance Could Lead to More COVID-19 Deaths 

Authors: Claas Kirchhelle, Adam Roberts, Andrew Singer

Scientific American (01.04.2020)

Kirchhelle Interviewed: "COVID-19: Insights from history"

Oxford Science Blog (24.03.2020)

Kirchhelle Featured on Oxford University Medium:                         

'How Oxford's most famous character is helping to drag typhoid

out of the rabbit-hole (20.01.2020)

Kirchhelle advisor/ featured on: Featured on “Surprisingly Brilliant” (Gregg Foot)         

Seeker Podcast on Mary Mallon/ Typhoid Mary

Kirchhelle interviewed on BBC Radio 4 'Inside Science'                                                                                 

Typhoidland and Typhoid Mary (30.01.2020)

Kirchhelle interviewed on BBC World Service 'Health Check'                                                                       

The Past & Present of Typhoid Control (29.01.2020)